
AixOCAT is an open source software library for the implementation of control algorithms in building automation systems and test benches. The library framework is based on OSCAT and is being further developed at the RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate (EBC) in Aachen, Germany. AixOCAT features support for different software tools, which can be used for the implementation of control algorithms, as well as support for various commonly used communication/signal transmission interfaces. Recent updates have added a generic heating circuit based on object-oriented programming with generic interfaces as well as an MQTT ADS interface to easily enable cloud connections to PLC systems.

The tool is freely accessible at:

AixOCAT is available under the MIT License.

If you have any questions regarding AixOCAT feel free to contact us at

This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (grant numbers EFRE-0800527, KEU-1-006A).

European Regional Development Fund