
bim2sim is an open source Python library for creating simulation models for various purposes based on BIM models in IFC format. The library provides base code to map IFC data into a unified metastructure tailored to simulation use cases in the building sector. This core functionality is extended by several plugins provided by us, among others for thermal building simulation (EnergyPlus and Modelica) and plant simulation (Modelica). Due to the modular structure, further plugins can be easily added. The tool was developed in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Building (E3D) at RWTH Aachen University and the ROM Technik GmbH.

The tool is available at .

The associated documentation can be accessed here .

bim2sim project workflow

Figure 1: bim2sim project workflow.

bim2sim was developed within the projects BIM2SIM and BIM2Praxis, which are publicly funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), promotional reference 03ET1562A and 3EN1050A.
